Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Idul Adha ala Perantau

Yoyoyo, kembali lagi bersama EXE a.k.a CJH (bukan Calon Jemaah Haji ya -_-")
Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Idul Adha yg jatuh pada tgl 26 Oktober 2012. Bagaimana kah kisah perantau galau bangau yg satu ini, kita liat sj stelah pesan2 berikut ini~~

Ceritanya mulai dari tgl 24 Oktober 2012, pulang dari UB sehabis UTS hari ke-4. Di kosan ternyata 1 kosan (kecuali sy) udah siap2 PULang KAMpung, karena mereka rumahnya masih sekitar Malang jdi tinggal lewat jalur darat. Alhasil, sendirian deh di kosan~~ *krik krik krik* dariapada sendiri mending ngungsi aja deh ke kosan teman sesama anak MKS, dan yg beruntung adalah temanku yg bernama AFDHAL *HORE!* tapi untuk sementara loh. Dan sy bukan pindah karena takut sendiri ya, tpi gk ada teman buat ngomong, masa mw ngomong ma tembok slama 3 hari -_-"

Jadi, pindah nih ke kosan Afdal dan petualangan dimulai dari hari Jumat.
Sekitar jam 9, bersama Ame, Ai', Afdal, Rido, dan Kak Ardi pergi makan es krim ke tempat yg katanya terkenal di situ bernama "OEN". Sepertinya bangunan Jerman, soalnya di dalam bahasa Jerman tulisan dmana2 -_-"
Toko es krim "OEN"
Kemudian, menyadari akan ke-tidak pulang-an sesama perantau MKS, maka komunitas MKS se-UB bernama DDB memutuskan untuk membuat acara MAkan COto bersama (makan siang ceritanya), lumayan udah lama gk makan coto :D
@Coto Galunggung

Setelah  MACO, sy, Ame, Ai', dan Afdal karokean di In*l V*sta di Mall Olympic Garden, yaa mirip2 ji MaRI klo sy liat.
Sdh karokean kami pulang ke kosan naik pete2...dan disana kami menemukan ide untuk membuat bisnis, sdh ada mi ancang2nya dan berdoa supaya ini bisnis jalan :D

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Just Iseng

Iseng-iseng gak tau mau bahas apa, mending bahas kemroh gue yuk :D
Gak tau kemroh? Kasian banget sih loe :P
Kemroh itu singkatan dari CAMPING ROHANI. Acara ini dibawakan oleh kakak panitia katolik dari KMK Teknik, tanggal 5-7 Oktober 2012. Karena fakultas gue terbilang baru (bahkan masih bernama program, hiks T_T) makanya untuk sementara digabung dulu dengan teknik, ka tidak jauh beda ji kapang xD
Yup, seperti namanya Camping, maka kita CAMPING, tidur di alam terbuka (kayak di hutan gitu) pake sleeping bag di bawah tenda. Nama tepatnya tuh kalo gak salah Coban Talun (anak Malang baru, hehe). Kalo unsur ROHANInya itu lebih ke sharing2 dengan kakak2 senior bahkan alumni tahun ’95 ada datang, sangat kekeluargaan ini menurutku :D
Nah, selama kemroh ini banyak kejadian, dan yang paling terasa itu adalah HUJAN. Beh, itu daerah sudah dingin, trus ditambah hujan tambah dingin. Itu hujan pas hari 2, lagi enaknya tidur tiba-tiba DUAR, hujan keras trus airnya merembes masuk tenda. Bahkan tenda ce robek n akhirnya diungsikan ke tenda cowok, sungguh terlalu
kakak panitia dengan latar belakang tenda ce yg roboh
Dari situ gue dapat pelajaran untuk bersyukur punya rumah walaupun gak besar-besar amat, setidaknya ada tempat untuk berlindung terutama dari hujan. Keimanan gue bertambah nih ceritanya, hehehe.
Kejadian lainnya yg seru itu MAKAN-MINUM BARENG. Kan waktu berangkat tuh ada 2 gelombang, 1 untuk yg kuliahnya udah kelar jam 2 siang n 1 untuk yang kuliahnya kelar jam 6, gue masuk yg gelombang 2 nih. Ternyata oh ternyata, yang gelombang 1 nungguin gelombang 2 datang buat makan malam, padahal kita sampenya tuh skitar jam 9 malam, klo gue sih  gak keroncongan, tapi dangdutan. Trus selama kemroh juga saling nunggu buat makan, jadi yg mandi ato buang air itu ditunggu, apalg WC terdekat ternyata lumayan jauh -_-“. Nah soal minum, kita pake gallon trus gelasnya cuma 2,  1 buat ce n 1 buat co, jadi ngeshare gitu, biar rasa2 keluarga toh :D makan juga pake tangan, untung bawa hand sanitizer, soalnya nih perut rada2 sensitif.
Kelompok 1 dan Kelompok 2 :D
Trus, OUTBOUNDnya keren \m/ gak pernah liat outbound segila itu, GAK UMUM! Gak gue cantumin disini soalnya bingung gimana mau dijabarkan satu2,  nanti aku nyari fotonya, jadi sabar ya. Outbound artinya ada klompok, gua dapat kelompok 2 dengan jargon “Duuuaaa…. #pake jingle S*r*m* isi 2. Gak seperti outbound2 gue yg dulu, outbound ini pake system versus, dalam hal ini gue lwana kelompok 1 dengan jargon “gak ada loe gak rame”.
Jadi kita bersama klompok 1 jalan ke pos sama2. Dari 6 games, klompok 1 hanya menang games 1, sisanya klompok gua yg menang (mental juara bro) xD. Yg asik itu karena setiap melewati 1 pos game kita dapat reward balon air dari plastik minuman yg fragile banget, jadi kita bertujuh itu bagi2 bawa balon. Ternyata, pada akhir games, tuh balon dipake buat lempar lawan gue (klompok 1). Tapi bukannya saling lempar, kita (peserta ada 6 klompok) malah ngelemparin panitia n panitia seperti udah tw n punya lebih banyak amunisi n balik ngelemparin kita, jadinya kyk tawuran, dafuq -_-“
KMK Teknik UB 2012 sehabis outbound
KMK Teknik UB setelah "tawuran"
Nih, ada kakak panitia diceburin xD

Nah, selama 3 hari ini tentunya dimana ada pertemuan ce dan co maka akan terjadi “sesuatu”. Eit, jgn ngeres dulu -_-“ ada namannya “modus2an” ato klo istilah gue “SSB (senter2 bella)”. Jadi banyak yang PDKT nih ceritanya (tapi bukan ke gue, apa gue kurang cakep ya? #curhat). Yg menjadi scumbag adalah ce teknik tuh sedikit n co tuh buanyak bgt, kira2 1:3. Jadi 1 ce diperebutkan 3 co, belum lagi senior -_-“. Gue gak ada modus ya, tapi gue ada bantuin teman (sebut saja ARI) nih buat modus, tapi dasar “sang target (sebut saja NA)” kayaknya gk ngerespon amat, malah dapat saingan baru (poor teman gua). Jadi gua masih memperjuangkan teman gua nih, moga2 aja berhasil bro, wkwkwk.
Ce KMK Teknik 2012 berlatar air terjun, silahkan dipilih *hammer
Sesaat sebelum pulang kita pergi ke air terjun dulu, dan ke sana itu menggunakan lagu Ninja Hatori "mendaki gunung, lewati lembah" SERIUS, jauh bgt -_-"
PTIIK UB sesaat sebelum pulang ke Malang
KMK Teknik UB sebelum balik ke Malang

Ya 3 hari selesai, maka kita balik ke Malang daaannnn…. HUJAN LAGI, capek2 pulang kemroh, kehujanan, beh, malas bgt, blum lagi nih cucian menumpuk -_-“
Sampai di UB, berdoa penutup acara dan kembali kea lam masing (?)
Nah, ini cerita kemroh gue, gmana ceritamu? :D #lagi makan *nd*m*e #korban iklan

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012


Setelah lama nganggurin nih blog, akhirnya gue kembali !!
beberapa alasan kenapa nih blog ngangur adalah:
1. nih blog cuma dibuat gara-gara tugas
2. gak tau mau nulis apa

akhirnya gua sadar, daripada nganggurin nih blog mending jadiin jurnal kegiatan gue aja, hehehe
jadi tunggu post-post gue sebagai MAHASISWA!! YEAH !! \m/

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Rockman EXE Movie

Rockman EXE Movie: Legacy of the Programs of Light and Darkness (劇場版ロックマンエグゼ 光と闇の遺産(プログラム) Gekijouban Rokkuman Eguze: Hikari to Yami no Isan (Puroguramu)) is a anime movie that occurs during Rockman EXE Stream. It details Dr. Regal's plot to use Nebula Grey to destroy the world.
There is no official confirmation on the movie's exact placement in Stream's storyline. However, because of Dex and Dingo's appearance in the movie, it most likely occurs shortly after episode 22 in which the boys move to DenTech City, but not after episode 29 when elements from the movie begin appearing in the series, specifically those concerning Baryl and Colonel.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Rockman EXE Beast+

Rockman.EXE Beast+ is the last part of the anime series Rockman.EXE and season 2 for beast. This series has 26 episodes, and occurs after Rockman EXE Beast. It does not contain a very focused story arc as the first few episodes were about Zero.EXE and the professor, while the other half borrows elements from Rockman EXE Phantom of Network.
Note: in the final episode of beast it says in the sky “and the adventure coutinues...”

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Rockman EXE Beast

Rockman EXE Beast (ロックマンエグゼビースト) is a 25 episode anime sequel to Rockman EXE Stream. It features elements from MegaMan Battle Network 6.
The world is at peace again but not for long. BubbleMan.EXE, who is frozen by Colonel.EXE's Ice Seed in the past, suddenly thaws. When he wakes up he finds Trill.EXE, a baby NetNavi. Then there is a fight between PlantMan.EXE and SparkMan.EXE, who are supposed to be deleted but they claim to be Zoanoroids and are fighting for Gregar and Falzar, who oppose each other. They are looking for the Synchronizer which turns out to be Trill and fight over him. Meanwhile, the Cybeasts that they serve appear and fight each other in the Net. They repel SearchMan.EXE, ProtoMan.EXE, and MegaMan.EXE's attempts to fight them. Then Trill runs into MegaMan and Beast Out and become strong enough to repel them.
Now the Zoanoroids are invading Earth from Beyondard, en-masse and attempt may times to steal Trill. Half the series is spent in the regular world, protecting Trill and the other half is spent in Beyondard, searching for him. They find him and fight against the Cybeasts.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Rockman EXE Stream

Rockman EXE Stream (ロックマンエグゼストリーム) is the sequel of the anime Rockman EXE Axess, and it has aired only in Japan. Viz Media has no (known) plans for an English dub. The series includes elements from MegaMan Battle Network 3, MegaMan Battle Network 4, and MegaMan Battle Network 5, having its own story.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Rockman EXE Axess

Title in US
Rockman EXE Axess is the continuation of the Rockman.EXE animeseries. It borrows elements from MegaMan Battle Network 3 and MegaMan Battle Network 4, but has its own story.Lan and his friends fight against Nebula and the Darkloids.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Anime: Rockman.EXE

Title in US
Mega Man NT Warrior or Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as Rockman.EXE (ロックマンエグゼ Rokkuman.Eguze), is an anime and manga series based on the Mega Man Battle Network video game series. Despite the common ground, the game, anime, and manga versions of the Battle Network series all diverge heavily from each other.

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012


Grey-Trans A (Megaman ZX Advent)
Buzy buzy buzy
Vent-Model ZX (Megaman ZX)
So many tasks in school prevent me for making reviews for Rockman anime. Beside, I'm playing Mega Man ZX and Megaman ZX Advent right now. Next time, may be, I will post the chronicle of Mega Man from the beginning until the end, since Capcom looks like stopping produce Megaman for almost 20 years, WOW !!!

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

NEXT !!!

Hello fellas !!!
So, I've posted the reviews from Mega Man Battle Network series. That's long, huh? Hahaha. Next time I will post some reviews from its anime series. Stay tuned !!

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network 6

Mega Man Battle Network 6, known as Battle Network Rockman EXE 6​ (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ6) in Japan, is the sixth and final installment in the Mega Man Battle Network series by Capcom, released on the Game Boy Advance. There game was released in two versions: Cybeast Falzar​ (電脳獣ファルザー Dennōjū Falzer) and Cybeast Gregar​ (電脳獣グレイガ Dennōjū Glaga). It introduced several new characters whilst retaining the existing ones. Each version has its own Cross Changes (significantly modified Soul Unisons) and Beast Out features.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network 5

Mega Man Battle Network 5, known in Japan as Rockman EXE 5 (ロックマン エグゼ5) is a game from the Mega Man Battle Network series released for the Nintendo GBA in two versions: Team Colonel (チーム オブ カーネル Team of Colonel) and Team ProtoMan (チーム オブ ブルース Team of Blues). A few months later, Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS, known in Japan as Rockman EXE 5 DS: Twin Leaders (ロックマン エグゼ5DS ツインリーダーズ), was released for the Nintendo DS which included content from both GBA versions together with extras.

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network 4

Mega Man Battle Network 4, known as Battle Network Rockman EXE 4​ (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ4) in Japan, is the fourth game of the Mega Man Battle Network series, released for Game Boy Advance in 2003 with two different versions: Red Sun (Tournament Red Sun) and Blue Moon (Tournament Blue Moon). In this game, Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE partake in a series of NetBattle tournaments.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network 3

Mega Man Battle Network 3, known as Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ3) in Japan, takes place not long after Mega Man Battle Network 2. Deviating from the previous installments of the series, the game was released in two separate versions: White (no subtitle in Japan) and Blue (Black in Japan).

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network 2

Mega Man Battle Network 2, known as Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ2) in Japan, is a video game developed by Capcom for the GBA handheld game console. It is the second game of the Mega Man Battle Network series . It was released in 2001 in Japan and 2002 in America and Europe.

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Mega Man Battle Network

Mega Man Battle Network, known as Battle Network Rockman EXE (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ) in Japan, is a video game developed by Capcom for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) handheld console. It is the first title of the Mega Man Battle Network series of games. It was originally released in Japan as a GBA launch game on March 21, 2001 and was released later that year in North America and Europe.
Battle Network takes place during the 21st century in a world where society and everyday life is driven by the internet. Users are able to interact with and virtually explore nearly any electronic device using highly advanced, online avatars called "NetNavis". The game follows a young boy named Lan Hikari and his NetNavi Megaman.EXE as they solve a series of crimes instigated by the "WWW (World Three)" organization. Rather than share the platform gameplay of its predecessors, Battle Network is a Real-Time Tactical Role-Playing Game (RPG) in which the player respectively controls Lan in the game's outside world and MegaMan.EXE in its virtual world. Battles take place in Real-Time; special abilities called "Battle Chips" can be accessed to fight off the numerous computer viruses present in the game's cyberspace environments.
Battle Network was created amidst the success of Nintendo's portable RPG franchise Pokemon. According to producer Keiji Inafune, the development team wanted Battle Network to identify specifically with younger gamers by creating a setting resembling the real world and a gameplay model that mixes traditional action and RPG elements. Battle Network received positive reviews from critics. Its unconventional combat system was given significant praise and its presentation was well-regarded. However, its storyline was met with mixed opinions. The game was followed by a number of sequels and spin-off titles, as well as other media.

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Getting Start

Hello World!! Welcome to my page, ZDarconEXE. It’s a good start to share my hobby about Megaman Battle Network and Megaman Starforce. So, stay tuned guys!!
Battle Network-Starforce Slideshow: Christian’s trip from Okinawa, Okinawa, Jepang to Denarau Island, Fiji was created by TripAdvisor. See another Denarau Island slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.